
Today is the DAY!

Today officially begins my journey into blogging! I have been inspired by what I have seen on the Daily Painters website ( and thought that it would be a cool thing to commit to do 5 to 7 paintings a week and post them here on this site. I also thought I could use the site to expand my teaching audience, and to show you what some of my wonderful students are doing. I know that is a BIG agenda, but hey, it could be fun -or else it could just suck more time out of my available painting time! We'll see how it goes. Please feel free to leave comments for me!
Today is the first day of the rest of our lives- yipee!!


  1. What a serendipitous coincidence!
    As I was viewing others' blogs, came across this blog, which is a mirror image of my own as I just started blogging in May as well. Am not an artist, but a writer. But I wanted to say that your paintings are beautiful, and much success in blogging. I too am getting my feet wet and testing the waters. Petra

  2. Hi Petra: Thanks so much for coming by my site. All the best to you in yours as well!
