
"Carburn Park Lagoon", plein air oil painting

"Carburn Park Lagoon", plein air oil painting, 8 x 10"
This was done on a paint out with friends (and my students) Cheryl and Sheila. I just loved the way the light was hitting on the bank of dried grasses and the deep shadows created by the large evergreens. This is the first plein air painting since the workshop, and it is interesting to see that my style has changed a bit with the new things I learnt -particularily the treatment of edges. But perhaps those changes were due to the fact that I forgot my brushes and had to borrow some awful ones from Sheila! All in all I am very happy with the way it turned out.

Workshop Lesson #8: It is easier to cope with a fixed set-up, such as a still life arrangement under lights that is restricted in scope, compared with plein air painting with its huge possibilities and always changing lighting conditions. Learning to quickly assess a scene, commit to a composition and charging in are learnt skills that become easier with much practice. We all have our comfort zones, and often they are in different places. Its kind of funny because right now Carol is being challenged by plein air painting in Germany as she is recognizing the differences stated above.

To purchase this, or commission your own painting, please email me.

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