
"Castle Falls", studio oil painting

"Castle Falls", studio oil painting, 11 x 14"
This is one of the few oils that I have done from a photograph. I took this shot on the ASA trip to the Crowsnest Pass, and I would have loved to have painted it on location, but didn't have the time. I was interested to see how clean the colours turned out -I think that sometimes when painting on location there is so much to see and such a variety of colour that it is tempting to put it all in, while the search for the right colour might end up a bit muddy. Certainly painting the fast moving water was much easier from a still shot. This painting will be in an ASA show in the Pass this fall.
Workshop Lesson # 10: Well I did hear back from several people, mostly people who have subscribed to my blog posts, so they tend to email me comments rather than posting them on the blog (by the way, it is much better for my google ratings if you post them on the blog rather than emailing them to me). It seems that the consensus is that the lessons are being helpful to other people, so I will continue with them. That being said, today's lesson is NOT to do the same thing or use the same method for every painting as that can become boring for me, and that boredom will show to the viewer. I think this lesson applies for still life setups more than plein air painting, as there are tons of challenges there already.

To purchase this, or commission your own painting, please email me.

1 comment:

  1. Stunning painting Sharon. The brush work on the rocks is really excellent a nice balance between giving an impression and also of detail too. While this is a more formal worked painting than your usual painting from life it has it's own beauty. Well done.
