
Lake O'Hara Paintings -Finally!

"Cathedral -Outside My Door", 12 x 9", plein air oil
$595.00 framed, free shipping and handling

I have been SO busy travelling and painting, but I thought I would slowly bring you up to speed with the results. In the middle of September I was fortunate enough to once again join the Canmore Artists Guild for an unforgettable 3 nights at Lake O'Hara. Now if you have been following my blog for a while, you know that this is my absolute favorite place to paint in the Rockies. This painting was done just outside the Elizabeth Parker Hut where we were bunked. The fresh snow added richness to the beauty, but also a fair chill in the air. I caught this one quickly late in the day, while being served wine and appetizers by the dinner crew for the day. Not too hard to take eh? Stay tuned for more to follow....


To purchase this painting, or commission your own painting, please email me.
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  1. Gosh, this is wonderful! Wonderful job on the snow-capped peaks. Great grays and depth. The dark line of trees is very dramatic. Love the warmths in the foreground. It all ups up to a beautiful painting. Well done!

  2. Thank you Virginia for taking the time to bless me with you kind comments!
