
"Summer Colour" plein air oil painting by Sharon Lynn Williams

"Summer Colour", 8 x 10" plein air oil on board

Just took some new work to Swirl Fine Art in ArtCentral and this is one of them. Swirl is a really nice, if not small, gallery full of the most wonderful paintings you can imagine-make sure you have a peek if you are able.
I have some new work to post but it is too dull to take good photos, but I do have several lined up so stay tuned.

My friend Jean posted this on my Facebook page today, and just had to share it with you!

‎"I have to believe that any act of creation executed for love makes glad the heart of God...I have to believe that I, as one created in the image of a Creator, cannot help but create — and that when I do, I am affirming something fundamental deep down in myself that somehow, in ways I cannot comprehend this side of eternity, has its answering antiphon in heaven. I have to believe that beauty is valid and that in a world of slipshod and plastic and hurry, there is a place for something impractical and time consuming and existing only because someone cared enough to bring it into being." -Lanier Ivester on Art House America Blog

I say AMEN to that : )

Have a wonderful day!
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  1. So excited to see someone else who uses the Canadian spelling of Colour!
    Leslie Allen
    Expat in Colorado

  2. Lovely to look at summer while it's snowing and blowing here!

  3. well i am following you and i would love to see some more amazing art from you. Good work buddy keep it up.
