
"La Casacce Orchard" plein air oil painting by Sharon Lynn Williams

"La Casacce Orchard", 12 x 12" plein air oil painting
available at DPW auction beginning at $150, click here to bid Please Note: The prices on the Tuscany plein air work is a limited time special -I am putting together a show of my Tuscany paintings and any that are unsold from my blog will be framed and hung at gallery prices.

I did this painting on the day that the rest of the group went to Sienna. La Casacce is a HUGE property with dozens of olive groves. The yellow in the painting is "Scotch Broom", which is very fragrant and apparently a burden to allergy sufferers. The background colour is not sky, just the rolling hills behind the ridge that the little house sits on (also property of La Casacce).

I want to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you who have sent condolences on my recent accident, and be assured that a simple cast (actually life is FAR from simple in a cast) won't deter me from getting some plein air painting in -I just need a Sherpa -any volunteers???

EXCITING NEWS!!! I am in the midst of planning a painting workshop to be held at La Casacce in the fall of 2013. Please email me if you would like more information. Let's just say that this is the best deal for a painting workshop in Tuscany than you can find!!!


To purchase this painting, or commission your own painting, please email me at williamsdotsharonatshawdotca (insert characters for the dot and at!)

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  1. Hi Sharon -- the silvery grey of olive groves is so similar to wolf willow in the foothills -- and a really difficult colour -- you did a nice job in this painting.

  2. Beautiful painting! That's great that you're not going to let your cast stop your painting! I found your blog from Daily Paintworks. Nice to meet you:)

  3. Wonderful blog! Your work is beautiful.
