
Plein Air Rockies 2012 competition -day 3

 "Big Thompson Canyon", 9x12" plein air oil on board

Monday it was very cloudy and cool, and the haze from the nearby forest fires was putting a damper on the views around town, so I knew I had to find a more intimate view. We drove back down the canyon and I found this place with the overhanging rocks that I thought would make an interesting painting. I wish it had of been sunny, because then I think the painting would have really had some punch. As it was, the values were very close and the colours were quite neutralized -not my natural inclination at all. I loved the dead pine tree in the back as it added a nice spark of colour, but I know that the locals are really grieving the pine beetle infestation that has been killing off a lot of their beautiful trees. This is the only painting that I did that did not make it into the show.

"Waiting Place", 10 x 8" plein air oil on board

On Monday evening we held the 'Nocturne Paint Out". This was only my second attempt at painting at night, and it was quite fun. I had a headlamp on so I could see what colour was on my brush, but the painting itself was getting some light from a nearby streetlamp. I did this in Riverside Park, the location of Saturday's quick paint. The exposure on this photo is not correct, the painting actually looks much better in reality. That's what happens when you are forced to shoot wet oils in less than perfect conditions!!!


To purchase this painting, or commission your own painting, please email me at williamsdotsharonatshawdotca (insert characters for the dot and at!)

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