
"Italian Colour" oil painting, and I'M OFF TO TUSCANY!!

"Italian Colour", 12x12" oil painting on panel

I did this painting at a Dreama Tolle Perry workshop this spring, using her method but without her input. I really like Dreama's style and use of colour, plus she has an unusual way of painting that is very intriguing, using a wet, transparent underpainting. (I did July 15th's post this way also). I hope to continue to experiment with this method of working.

I am off in the morning for Tuscany, Italy, where I will be teaching a 2 week plein air workshop. I am very excited about the whole thing, except for the travelling to get there part! I bought some "No Jet Lag" and really hope that helps. This is my first time teaching a) such a long, extensive workshop and b) a travel workshop. So wish me luck!!!

I probably will not be able to post while I am away, but I will be uploading images to Facebook, if you want to friend me :)


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  1. Sounds wonderful. Hope it is a great experience in every way! Love Tuscany.

  2. Looking forward to more wonderful work and hearing about the fun artists and creative workshop. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
