
The Good, The Bad and the Ugly -Facelift!

"Spring -Moose Mountain Road", plein air oil painting, 12 x 9"
Remember June 6th's entry, the first plein air oil of the season, and how I hated it? Well, after a season of painting, I knew what to do with it. So here it is finished! That is one nice thing about oils, it is infinitely fixable.


  1. Stronger highlights and shadows (is that cobalt?) make an amazing difference! I put them side by side and I can see that blue throughout the tree stand shadows as well as in the shadow on the road and the far and middle mountains. You upped the yellow on where the light hit the grass and trees.
    However, I think the most important change is in the road - it is much more interesting with the value changes it keeps the eye going into the painting. Nice class! Thanks!

  2. Wow, Sharon, it really pops now.
