
Amazing sight

Hi all: Haven't posted for a while because I have been zonked! Jet-lag I suppose. Now I am doing my year end and the dreaded taxes. Makes me really want to go back to bed! One of the joys of being a professional artist is a mountainload of paperwork. I just calculated the mileage I put on my car for art purposes -a whopping 10,781.3Km - 1/3 of that was to go plein air painting and the rest to teach and do art show stuff. And buy art supplies of course, my favorite kind of shopping. Can't wait to get back out painting again; I am impatiently waiting for the trees to leaf out -just tired of brown, blue and white.
I saw an amazing thing yesterday. I was about to go for a walk with my sweetie and outside my back door there were about 400 to 500 Cedarwaxwings in my neighbors huge poplar tree. They flew in and out in flocks of about 50 birds, and the sound of their wings flapping was like the rush of the surf, incredible. I took this shot so I could prove it to you!
We must be right under their flight path as they aren't resident here, although I don't know where they came from or where they are going to -if anyone knows, please comment and tell me.
They landed on my mountain ash tree and within minutes whatever berries were left from the last time they were here were gone. Must be a bunch of drunk birds...

1 comment:

  1. Bohemian waxwings winter in Alberta, large flocks are seen all winter in Edmonton, they strip the mountain ash trees bare of the berries which are an important mainstay of their diet. In spring they move northward. In summer we see the Cedar waxwings here which migrate from the south in large flocks then pair up for breeding and nesting. If the birds are grayish with rust color under tail and white or yellow wing bars they are Bohemian, if its white under tail then they were Cedar.
