
Collage painting

"Still Life in Blue & Gold", collage and acrylic, 16 x 16"
I finally finished this collage painting, which I began a year ago but didn't quite know what to do with it to complete it. Sometimes working from chaos to order is like that. I began the painting with a random application of hand dyed and patterned tissue papers. Then I stared at it for a long time, rotating it often to see if I could 'see' something in it which would tell me how to proceed. The shape on the middle right looked like a tea cup, so I decided to make a still life out of it. With that idea in mind, the basket of fruit, vase of flowers and other items could be found and brought out by painting in acrylic. I decided to divide the painting to keep the abstract feeling. This is a nod to one of my favorite watercolour painters Shirley Trevena. I have just ordered her new DVD -can't wait for more of her wonderful work.


  1. OMG....This is STUNNING! Love love love it!!!That coffee cup is fabulous.

  2. Wow, Sharon, this is absolutely SPLENDID! It's peaceful and evocative of a wonderful breezy spring morning with the kitchen window open. And the colors! I love the blue-orange balance. Brava!
