This is a spread that Heidi did in my book. She took off on the image of the jelly fish that was in the book. She worked on a black piece of card that she had made packing tape transfers to look like windows and placed them behind holes she cut in the card. Heidi is an amazing calligrapher, and she wrote the words in an opaque white pen "Jelly fish swim in the deep blue sea. They swim, float and even glow. Their legs help them to flit and dive, on through the sea they go." She added the black page to the book using brads. The text page behind shows through under the images, kind of like seeing the page through an aquarium. Cool!

This spread was made by Lindsay. In this case the original pages were totally obliterated. I had previously painted them with gesso, which I then stamped into when the gesso was still damp, using hand carved stamps with tree themes. Lindsay played with the tree theme and on the left hand spread printed out and collaged a great story about a lonely tree in the desert which had been hit by a drunk driver -too much -click the page to see it larger and read the story. She then stuck on some stylized leaf stickers on top. On the right page she painted a lovely picture of a tree being held by loving hands. She surrounded it with a polka dotted frame and cut out the letters for TREE out of magazine, typed the word root, and collaged them in. I like the way Lindsay played with different fonts in this piece.
For information about this project, please feel free to
email me or comment below!
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