This is a painting of Mt Tecumseh in the Crowsnest Pass, that I did as a demonstration for my advanced watermedia class. I have painted this view many times, and this time I chose to do it in a non-representational colour scheme to express the warmth of the fall colours.
Tonight was the opening of Charles VanSandwyk's wonderful illustration work, and my small show. It is incredible to me that when certain artists meet certain other artists, a lasting friendship is built based on mutual respect of each others work. This happened this evening. I was fortunate to have acquired two of Charles' amazing books, and as it turned out, he has acquired one of my paintings -but don't tell him -it's a secret!
To purchase this, or commission your own painting, please email me.
This is beautiful! The colors are amazing!
ReplyDeleteThis is stunning, your colors really sing!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your kind comments Cynthia and Krista
ReplyDeleteThis is wonderful. I really like the colours and the freshness of the watercolour style of painting. Did you build up the painting by letting each layer of paint dry?
ReplyDeleteHi Caroline: Each shape was done on its own, using a mother colour to wet the shape, edges considered next, and then other colours were puddled in. This followes my acronym SEC's (pronounced SEX) which stands for the order of painting: Shape, Edge and Colour. Thusly, each shape is completed basically in one layer, allowing the paint to be luminous. Only very minimal, minor modifications need to be made to any shape at the end. This way of making luminous watercolours is shown in my DVD workshop.
ReplyDeleteThank you for explaining about your method of working with the watercolour painting. It all sounds fascinating I must think about buying your DVD. Many thanks again.