
"Fall Foothills Patterns", plein air oil painting by Sharon Lynn Williams

"Fall Foothills Patterns", plein air oil painting, 9 x 9"
$495 framed, FREE S&H

One of the last fall paintings of the year. This one is from a small back road west of High River. There was so much happening in the scene that it was a challenge to paint, so I decided to just chunk it in with blocks of colour and let the viewer decipher what it all was. Now it's up to you :)


To purchase this, or commission your own painting, please email me.


  1. beautiful fall painting, the colors are wonderful

  2. great combination of colors! the blocks of color actually works well, nice...

  3. A glorious painting! All the colors work beautifully together...I especially like the bits of violet among the oranges. Brenda
