
"Forget-Me-Not Pond" plein air oil painting by Sharon Lynn Williams

"Forget-Me-Not Pond", 9 x 12" plein air oil painting on board

This is one of my favorite paintings of the year, although the photo doesn't do it justice. I am now unable to shoot my photos outside because of the low angle of the sun, snow and cold. I tried this one in my studio, and even though I have perfect daylight lighting, the glare off the paint doesn't allow for the richness of colour to shine through. I think I will have to make myself one of those photo cubes everyone is raving about. Only question is what kind of spotlight gives the right temperature so that the colours will be true?? Any tips are greatly appreciated!

I came across this great quote today, that I think I will apply to myself as an artist:
“I began see that God didn't make the horse to win at the races, but for his pleasure – to watch it run.” Peter Furler 
This gives me great freedom to just paint to the glory of God, and leave the results to Him. Amen!


To purchase this painting, commission your own painting or contact me to do a workshop in your area, please email me at williamsdotsharonatshawdotca (insert characters for the dot and at!)

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  1. Love the picture -- that 'yellow' sky is real! -- and the quote was shared at just the right time.


  2. Thanks Margaret! The quote really touched my heart too.
    Bless you my friend.

  3. Sharon, I recently read a post on what lighting to might be on DPW Art Tutorials...I think you want something in the middle if I remember right. Not too warm, not too cool. I use "daylight" tube lighting above my easel for painting. When using the auto correct in my photo editing software, I am usually not too far off if I shoot my paintings under that same lighting...(there is also a soft light coming from a east-facing window that helps too).

  4. Thanks for the tip Jacqueline -Trying to find spot lighting in the 'middle' is the question. I never have problems shooting outside in natural light, but indoors is a problem with glare. I have a great SLR digital camera, but the lens is not long enough to be able to capture the image from more than 8ft which is sometimes required to eliminate glare.

  5. This is a wonderful painting. The design appears to be more perfect than Mother Nature usually comes up with. Did you move the tallest group of trees just a smidgen to get them in the right place? You did a great job.

  6. Hi Julie: You are right of course. Your comment caused me to go back to the photo I took while I was painting to see the differences...I squeezed the mtns on the left and rearranged the trees -good eye!!
