OK, it is definitely time to get all the rest of the paintings from 2013 that I haven't taken the time to post, in order to begin fresh in January. These paintings were from our trip to beautiful Lake O'Hara on September 23-26. We have been on this hiking/painting trip at this time slot three times before, and had wonderful sunny, warm weather. This time, that wasn't the case! It was cold and snowy, the first snow of the winter, which made plein air painting a challenge to say the least. The sun did come out on our second day, and I was able to capture the fresh snow in the sunshine. The larches just glowed in the warm light, but I will tell you, I was jumping around trying to stay warm. We were an hour hike up a mountain, so there was nowhere to go to warm up.
"Snow Lifting -Cathedral Mountain", 10 x 8" plein air oil on board
$395 FRAMED, click here to purchase
I painted this just outside our cabin in spurts -as soon as the sun peaked out, between snow falling, I ran outside and did some more on it. By the way, it is the view just outside the Elizabeth Parker Hut where we were staying.
"After The Snow -Lake O'Hara", 8 x 10" plein air oil on board
$395 FRAMED, click here to purchase
On our last day we were determined that we were not going to stay in the cabin all day, after all we had come to paint! I managed to get this in when the clouds were still thickly threatening the white stuff. There is a nice little coffee shop just behind us here, and we did have to run up to sit by the fire from time to time.
"Wiwaxy -Lake O'Hara", 6 x 8" plein air oil on board
$295 FRAMED, click here to purchase
The clouds began to lift at the end of the afternoon, and I was able to paint this quickly before we had to catch our bus to leave. This is the view directly to the left of where I painted the one above.
I just love to paint at Lake O'Hara, and if you would like to see more of my plein air work from there, just see "Lake O'Hara" on the sidebar of my blog, and it should take you to many more paintings. Hopefully we had the one 'bad' weather experience for the next several years. But I have to say, you can really call yourself a plein air painter when you do it in these kind of conditions!
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Lovely work, makes me what to visit the lake. It looks like a great place to paint.