
"Looking Back", mixed media painting by Sharon Lynn Williams

"Looking Back", mixed media painting, 12 x 16"

This is one of the paintings that I began at the Brommer collage workshop I took in September. I finally got around to finishing it- I was not sure what I wanted to do with the imagery in the bottom of the painting, and how to tie it to the top. The reddish shape in the lower right kept screaming 'person' so I went with it. The painting is about leaving home and looking back through the filters of our subsequent experiences.


To purchase this, or commission your own painting, please email me.


  1. Barbara K. sent me this lovely email about my painting:

    Sharon - I love this collage. It shows hope.
    Even though the figure is looking back at her past home, she is also surrounded by beauty. I think the collage shows that you can leave a beautiful home and still find beauty and joy wherever you go. All the colors surrounding the figure are as gorgeous as the home in the distance.
    It's a little sad to look back and say goodbye, but it is hopeful
    going forward; plus the memories are still there with you. The memories

    She really GOT it!
