
"The Mentor:, mixed media painting by Sharon Lynn Williams

"The Mentor", mixed media painting, 15 x 22"

I progressed this painting over a couple of weeks for my mixed media class. Such an adventure, as it always is when working from chaos. It began with a failed start that I began to collage pieces of coloured magazine papers to. Unfortunately I don't have a photo of the start, and it has come a long way since then. The figures appeared so I went with that thought. As it went along, I began to think about mentoring -how we sit at the feet of a master, hungry to learn all they have to teach us. The vessel shape symbolized the well of knowledge, the text representing notes taken so the nuggets don't get lost. I have sat at the feet of several wonderful mentors, including Virginia Cobb, Carla O'Connor, Gerald Brommer and George James, to name a few of my most favorites. Now I have others who are learning from me. And so the cycle continues...


To purchase this, or commission your own painting, please email me.

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