
"Close To Home", plein air oil painting by Sharon Lynn Williams

"Close To Home", plein air oil painting, 9x12"
$595.00 framed, FREE S&H

This was a HUGE vista -the challenge was what to leave out (the animals grazing and the space between where the creek really was and the farm), or squish (the expanse of overlapping foothills), or modify (by manipulating colour to increase depth) to make a compelling composition. But brother, could I ever live on this ranch! And did I mention that summer greens are really difficult to make interesting, when they really seem so all alike?

By the way, I just watched the newest episode of the WONDERFUL new show Baxter (for kids, but it is fun for adults too!!) -that happens to star my terrifically talented son Evan (as Baxter himself). Check out the episode here! I'm a mighty proud Momma, can you tell??


To purchase this, or commission your own painting, please email me.


  1. Yeah, I could sure live there too! Is it anywhere near Millarville? Beautifully done... And your son looks pretty good too!

  2. Actually it is near Millarville -can't remember the road we stopped at right now. Thanks for your kind compliments!

  3. Painting? How much do you want for the kid? :) He's super. You are right to be proud.
